
Hi, my name is


John is probably the best-dressed guest that we’ve had in a long time! “I’ve always liked looking good and wearing a suit,” he says with a grin. John also may be one of the most loyal people you’d meet. It’s that loyalty that brought him to Philly House — aided by a police car.

“My friend was having psychiatric problems,” he tells us. “I was trying to help her when two meth dealers found me in her apartment and beat me up.” John sat for two days outside her building, in the cold. That’s where the police found him. They knew her problems, and they knew he was in trouble. “My feet hurt like nothing I’ve felt before,” John recalls. “That’s when they brought me in – all the way from South Philly – to Philly House in Center City.” It didn’t take long for Homeless Services Director Erin to see the problem. John had frostbite – a chronic threat to anyone living on the street. It could mean losing a toe or even an entire foot. Erin moved fast and got him to Jefferson Hospital.

I was surprised. They said, ‘it’s frostbite’ and gave me a card to see a surgeon the next day. I thought the ER would do more, but now I’m glad they didn’t.
— John

By the time John went to the doctor, he was well on the way to saving his feet. “I’m sure they would have taken both off if I went to the surgeon the next day,” John says. John’s now off his crutches and looking forward to his next chapter in life. With his feet not yet entirely healed, he is still taking time to recover. “I have a college degree. I know I can help people.” And he does.

John helps guests with their resumes and job applications every day in our learning center; he is often wearing a shirt and tie under his Philly House t-shirt or a suit! Please add John to your prayer list.


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Jeremy Montgomery